The purpose of my "amateur" bank is to collect, store and catalog seeds of carnivorous
plants to be used in the future to obtain new plants or for stocking of seeds
or simply for exchange for all those who want to become "donors".
This semi-bank was conceived and created without any profit and will not be asked any money
to become "donors".
Seeds in single envelopes, divided by secie.
You can also request to put your name or nickname alongside the donated seeds which will be listed in the page dedicated to the list of seeds stocking in the bank.(Page: "Elenco specie presenti") The seeds received, will be divided (as far as possible) into three portions as follows: 1) seeds to be stored and cataloged in the bank. 2) seeds for exchange with other donors. 3) seeds to be used to produce new plants. Depending on the quantity of seeds received, the breakdown will be carried out taking into account the order described above. For example: if only one seed is donated, this will be used only for the seed bank, in the case instead the donated seeds are eight, three will be used for the seed bank, three for exchange, and two for sowing. For those seeds whose size makes it difficult to determine the amount, see for example those of Drosera, we will try to divide them equally for the three purposes listed above. Who has the possibility and the pleasure to donate seeds, can send an email ( with the following characteristics. Object: ° "Bank seeds" Body of the email: ° Name of the species of the seeds to be donated (indicating the year of harvest) ° Name of the species of the seeds to be received, chosen in the "redundant" section. ° Your name or nickname if you want put it alongside the donated seeds. ° Address to which to send the seeds required for the exchange. In response you will be confirmed the interest in the seeds that you want to donate, the availability of those you have chosen and the address to which to send your seeds. |